Scandi-taste: Exploring Norway’s ‘Golden Road’ of gastronomy

Exploring Norway’s ‘Golden Road’ of gastronomy, Den gyldne omvei, Øyna Kulturlandskapshotell

Scandi-taste: Exploring Norway’s ‘Golden Road’ of gastronomy, By Flux Magazine

After all, when you think of Norway, it tends to be the Northern Lights, Oslo, or the Fjords. However, Up Norway, a small bespoke travel curator, are taking travellers further into the real Norway. Their ‘Golden Road’ is a trail of artisanal producers dedicated to creating handcrafted, sustainable food.

Øyna Kulturlandskapshotell: a contemporary landscape hotel, 90 minutes drive from Trondheim
It looks rather like a Bond villain’s eco-lair, with plate-glass-fronted, grass-roofed rooms set into the crown of a small hill overlooking the surrounding fields and fjord. The land has been in the same family for generations, and the 18 rooms have wood-lined walls, big beds and balconies. For breakfast the produce is all local, including the bread, milk and cheese. I meet their chef, Maren Myrvold, who explains that during lockdown she planted thousands of apple trees – one of the most productive lockdowns I’ve encountered – and they now produce a range of delicious apple juices and offer tastings like wine”.

Read the whole artickle, press here.


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Øyna Kulturlandskapshotell vinner «Trøndersk Opplevelsespris» 2023!